Enabling technical agility in the Lean enterprise vlog series: building systems with code quality

Enabling technical agility in the Lean enterprise vlog series: building systems with code quality

SAFe Resources

Video nine in our series designed to jump-start your understanding of the core principles and practices of Agile software engineering (ASE) is all about code quality. Ken Pugh, one of our Lean-Agile thought leaders, shares wisdom about what makes good code and how to avoid some common pitfalls.

The goal is maintainability—the ease with which you can go from the as-is to the to-be state.  So, what makes for easily maintainable code? Ken talks about high-level qualities of readability and testability. He praises the beauty of stateless services. And, he zeroes in on non-redundancy, encapsulation, and abstraction. 

Go here to dive into code quality and learn how Abstract Data Types are the ‘poka-yoke’ of code quality!

Tune in next time for the tenth video in the series: building systems with design quality.  

Go here to watch the previous video in the series about communicating with models.

Learn more about the Agile Software Engineering course here.   

Stay SAFe,


Author Info

Harry Koehnemann

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